A hunting specialty with hemp is a special gourmet pleasure on cold winter days.

  • 300g game meat (roe deer, deer, bear, wild boar)
  • A teaspoon of Juniper berries
  • A teaspoon of Goji berries
  • Bay leaves
  • Goat ghee
  • Carrots
  • Lieut
  • Terran
  • Olive oil
  • A spoonful of buckwheat flour
  • A spoonful of hemp flour Hannah biz
  • Cold pressed oil Hannah biz
  • Salt flower


Carrots and leeks are cut into thin rings and quickly fried in ghee butter. Cut the venison into cubes, place in a bowl, and add fried carrots and leeks, juniper berries, goji berries, laurel, and salt flower. Cover everything with terano and add two tablespoons of olive oil. Let it marinate overnight in the refrigerator.

Melt the ghee in an economic pot and fry the meat, add the marinade and cover with water up to the height of the meat. Cook on low heat for at least 3 hours. Remove the meat from the pot and mash the sauce with a stick mixer, add both flours to obtain a medium-thick mixture. The meat is served on a plate and poured with sauce and hemp oil, decorated with marigold flowers.

Bon Appetit.